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From perfect cakes to quick fixes, these tips will level up your baking skills!
No Rolling Pin? Use a Bottle: A wine bottle doubles as a rolling pin for dough. Wash outside thoroughly before use.
Measure Sticky Ingredients: Coat your spoon or cup with oil before measuring honey or syrup.
Hard Butter: Soften butter in seconds by grating it with a cheese grater.
DIY Piping Bag: Snip the corner off a zip-top bag for easy frosting or batter piping.
Quick-Rise Dough: Place dough in a warmed (not hot!) oven to speed up proofing.
Prevent Sticky Dough: Chill your hands under cold water, or with ice cube, before kneading.
Test Baking Soda Freshness: Add a pinch to vinegar—if it fizzes, it’s good.
Broken Egg Shell Bits: Remove eggshell bits easily with a larger piece of shell—it acts like a magnet.
Soften Brown Sugar: Add a slice of apple to the container overnight to loosen clumps.
Substitute Buttermilk: Mix 1 cup milk with 1 tbsp lemon juice or vinegar—let sit 5 minutes.
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