Master your prep game with these time-saving tricks to
chop, peel, and slice like a pro!”
Sharpen Knives with a Mug: Use the rough edge of a ceramic mug’s base to hone a dull knife in a pinch.
Chop Onions Tear-Free: Freeze the onion for 10 minutes before cutting to reduce tear-causing fumes.
Use a Damp Towel: Place it under your cutting board to prevent slipping while chopping.
Dice Like a Pro: Stack veggie slices, then cut into uniform cubes for even cooking.
Save Time on Ginger: Peel with a spoon—it’s faster and wastes less than a knife.
Roll Citrus Before Juicing: Roll lemons or oranges on the counter to break membranes and get more juice.
Peel Garlic Fast: Smash cloves with the flat of a knife to loosen skins instantly.
Slice Avocados in the Skin: Cut in half, remove the pit, then scoop out perfect slices with a spoon.
Pit Cherries & Strawberries with a Straw: Push a straw through the center to pop the pit/stem out cleanly.
Freeze Herbs in Oil: Chop fresh herbs, mix with olive oil in an ice cube tray, and freeze for instant flavor bombs.
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